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  • Writer's pictureCyn

New Age, New Me.. Sorta.

Before I celebrate my eventful 18 years of life on this fucked up planet, I'd like to make a special blog post reflecting on the significant world I live in and how much I've evolved. This is so cliché but it felt like just yesterday I was this bubbly, high achieving, social butterfly who was just excited about life and whatever it had in store for me-- crazy how shit changed. Once my teenage years started, I began to question many things in life. Why do girls have to bleed every month? Why do I need to go to college? What if I didn't want to be a doctor or a lawyer? Why didn't my father stick around? Was I good enough?? Why couldn't I have normal sized lips and naturally straight hair? This list grew the older I got. Questions never stopped flowing through my head. I've been through a lot these past few years and I've come a long way. Being without my mom always brings a pain I would never wish on anyone. I've grown through depression and heartache and I've learned to love myself more than anyone can. 13 year old me wouldn't have expected this sudden happiness I have now. I am nothing I expected to be growing up, but I love who I am & who I am going to be in the future. I'm not sure how I feel about turning 18 yet but I'm anxious to see what it has in store for me. I'm going to continue leaning on the path the universe is pushing me on, speaking all my blessings into existence. Anyways, I don't want this to be too long because once people see too many words they automatically get turned off and don't want to read anymore so I'll stop here. Always remember, self love is the best love & you'll never find happiness anywhere else but inside YOU! Always be the best you KNOW you can be & fuck what anyone has to say about you. Be you & Be great. Peace Love & Blessings.

P.S. I know this post isn't really soulful but its just a birthday gift from me to me, so I got y'all next week. Feel free to leave comments!

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